A Letter from the Editor

Dear Beloved Reader, I am asking you to excuse me from the rambling sentences in this letter in advance. I will simply attribute the state of this letter to the fact that it’s been a tough month.  This part of the school year is always the worst, and I know you’ll probably hear this over and over again, but senioritis is a real, real, and oh-so-terrible affliction of the heart and mind. 

Yet, as I slog through mountains of Panoptos and papers to catch up on, I catch myself in disbelief; I can’t believe I’ve made it this far. Even as I’m writing this, I can’t believe that this letter will be the second last “Letter from the Editor” I will write for the Post. 

I don’t think there is a better representation of how I feel than Phoebe Bridger’s “Halloween” (side note: Punisher is an amazing album that everyone should listen to). As I worked the Senior concessions stand with a couple of my friends at Screen on the Green last weekend, the lines “Baby it’s Halloween/ There’s a last time for everything” replayed in my head. 

I don’t think I’ve become particularly cheesy/reflective/nostalgic of my times here at Springs yet, but I promise that I’m getting there. 

Ultimately, as the year draws to a close, I find myself more and more OK with my “last times” for everything. Not every ending is a bad one. For now, I’ve learned to be at peace with my workload, knowing that one day, I will finally write my last sentence for my last AP Physics lab. And then, finally, I’ll be free. And then what? Who knows? No more AP Physics, for sure, so that’s something to look forward to. 



P.S. Sorry Mr. Mohammed. It’s not you, it’s me. Why does it have to be so hard?