
When I came in ninth grade I was informed that peer mentors and advising was a crucial part of our Spring’s experience and that we should take advantage of the advice the juniors and seniors gave us. In tenth grade, I moved advisings and was put in a group of “all girls”(I didn't know it yet, but I'm non binary so technically I kind of ruined the uniqueness of an “all girls advising”). In eleventh grade I moved advisings again because my old advisor moved. And now I'm here in twelfth grade with a new advisor. Our group is a small group of juniors, seniors, and exchange students. This year it is held on Thursday, and every week my friends and I are all delighted when we remember we have advising on Thursday. It is one of the biggest highlights of my week. It is definitely a very sad week when we don’t have advising. We take turns to tell our roses and thorns and let’s just say the thorns are all very similar. Sometimes it’s easier to think of twelve thorns before one rose, but even if it is hard that one rose is always helpful in remembering that this particular week had at least one highlight.

Elijah Baay '22